Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lisbon´s best secrets

Happy easter! I wanted to share the lovely places and shops that we have been too when travelling in Lisbon. My absolutely favorite shop in Lisbon is: Prego sem estopa, owned by interior designer and shop owner Ana Cordeiro. (this is where I bought my black and white pillow and other goodies)

Prego sem estopa
calcada do combro 36
1200-114 Lisboa

Another beautifull shop is República das flores

A luxury shop that offers decoration, flowers, gourmet and many other luxurious things, you will be very inspired by this shop.

Republica das Flores
Rua do Alecrim 99
1250-243 Lisboa

A lovely hotel that we visited (we took a coffee on their 6th floor panoramic vieuw terrace)
is Hotel do Barrio Alto.

Hotel do BArrio Alto
Praca Luis de Camoes 2
 Lisboa 1200-243, Portugal

This next Hotel blew us away, we discovered it touring around Belem visiting the Cathedral and monuments.
It´s Altis Belem hotel & spa
image by beau lifestyle

Altis Belem hotel & spa
Doca do Bom Sucesso,
 Lisboa 1400-038, Portugal

Then next images are a flower shop with an cafe extension called Flower Power by Carlos Filipe design
Flower Power food and flowers Bairro Alto Lisbon street

Flower Power food and flowers Bairro Alto Lisbon dog flower shop

Flower Power food and flowers Bairro Alto cafe restaurant Lisbon2
Flower Power
Cocada do Combro 2
1200-114 Lisboa

And if you feel like having a sweet something, go to Confeitaria Nacional, a cafe/bakery that excists since 1829, with it´s antique decor and best pasterys you can take a cafe+sweet and enjoy the scene.
                                                                                      Confeireria Nacional
Praca da figuiera 18

Hope you will enjoy these places when you go to visit Lisbon!


  1. Such an elegant and chic workspace!That wallpaper is gorgeous.

  2. Hi , just found your blog.. I think the store is fabulous, but mostly i am so taken with all of the gorgeous flowers! So pretty!
    Laura x

  3. What a beautiful store! That graphic green wallpaper is beautiful!

  4. OMG - love those first pics. I adore the white, green hot pink combo - so fresh!

  5. I just Love that Green Chair! Beautiful Photos!

  6. Hi girls, yes the shop owner Ana Cordeiro has amazing taste, i think I haven´t seen any other boutique any where in the world that was so tastfully decorated.

  7. All of it has me wanting to go sell my car and buy a one way ticket to Lisbon! Those first pictures of so very lovely...I better stop myself now because I'm pretty sure my husband would be upset about the car...(c:

  8. So much pretty stuff, I love the crisp white and green. Too bad in my house in would be more like crisp black from dirt.

  9. Completely love that shop! And wow, I have to show my husband that hotel. He got to go to Lisbon in 2004 with this architecture studio and I so wish I had gone!


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