Friday, June 10, 2011

For Patricia bedroom

For Patricia bedroom
I think I have a new addiction and it´s called Polyvore.
I just created this bedroom and a livingroom, first time ever. The Bedroom is for my friend Patricia who is building her dream house and she let´s me help her with the decoration......ok now I have to get back to the festive preparations.
Tell me what you think.


  1. These are beautifully put together! I love the brown wingback bed mixed with the yellow ikat pillows and the X-benches at the end of the bed for a good pop of color and contrast! And that zebra hide on the floor is a gorgeous touch to tie everything together. I don't mind having this bedroom for myself! Your friend will be thrilled with this design, I am sure. Well done!


  2. I am obsessed also. Have you started getting into making outfits yet? Bad news bears lol. Now my wish list just grows and grows...

    Nice room! I'd like to find some x-benches and a nice zebra rug myself!

  3. I love this combination !! Looks so great. And really love that LV trunk !


  4. Those yellow benches are so AMAZING!


  5. I love this!! Love the pop of yellow. So how do you do this? Is it photoshop?

  6. Looks great! Love the x-benches and the fun pops of yellow! I'll take the shoes and bag too! Have a great weekend!


I love to hear you, please comment xoxo