Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Update DIY projects

Today is Tuesday, and tonight i will pick a winner with the random number generator for the Zara Home give away.

I noticed I wasn´t the only one that had trouble leaving comments on other blogs, it was quite frustrating wanted to comment and not being able (some I did manage to leave). I am going to try to fix it, supposed to be a problem with the cookies.

Remember  Charlie? this is him after his make-over.

Isn´t he cute?

And I have been working on the night stand too. I was happy with the post from Centsational girl at Mr Goodwill Hunting, read it here. She painted a nice cabinet, and thanks to her step by step explanation, it was a good DIY project.

This is what Centsational girl made. I ordered ring pulls for my night cabinet too.

First step: I cleaned it
Second step: take out the old hardware
 Step three: Sand it
And gave it his first coat of primer, more to be followed....


  1. Loved what you did to Charlie! He looks Wow!!! Also I can't wait to see the nightstand to be finished!

  2. Kate, has some of the most amazing tutorials to date!
    Thanks so much for enjoying her pieces!!!

    Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  3. Oh wow! I love Charlie! And your nighstand is looking pretty darn good!

  4. Charlie looks great!! Cant wait to see the finished night stand!


  5. Charlie looks handsome these days. Love your painted nightstand, too!


  6. Charlie came out awesome. And so far that night stand is looking pretty snazzy!

    I could comment before on this post what is up with blogger lately everyone is having trouble.


I love to hear you, please comment xoxo