Saturday, July 5, 2014

Phone home

We have a new phone for our home. After having an oldfashioned homephone with a cord and 2 babies...not practical. I need to keep an eye on them all times.
I decided to get this pretty e-pure swiss phone, and I love it.


obat herbal stroke said...

its a telephone ?

Beau lifestyle said...

hello obat herbal, yes its a telephone. Works like any other and i just fell in love with the design

cara mengobati penyakit gula said...

hello,, i'm just visit,, have a nice day :D

obat pelangsing yang aman said...

just blogwalking.. nice post :D

HopeO said...

In a modern home, efficient and stylish phone accessories are essential. The MagSafe stand from KerfCase is a perfect blend of functionality and design. This stand offers seamless wireless charging for iPhone users, ensuring a clutter-free environment while keeping devices easily accessible. Ideal for busy households, it complements any decor with its sleek wooden finish, enhancing both aesthetic and practical aspects of home phone setups. Explore the innovative MagSafe stand for an upgrade in your home’s connectivity solutions.