Tuesday, September 13, 2011

missoni for target

I have been closing my eyes every time i saw posts about Missoni for Target, not wanting to torture myself looking to all those goodies without them being available in Europe.
You guys in the States are so lucky!!!
Please tell me if you were able to get anything today, wich was the first day of the Missoni sales.

picture from my iphone. I recently discovered how to take a picture from your screen.
press menu button same time as the on/off button and voila!


Caterine said...

OH I Love TARGET!!! I need to stop by today as soon as I'm free! Thanks for the reminder!

Jennifer said...

Everything was wiped out!! You name it...home decor, clothing (kids & women's), shoes. I felt slightly jipped! I hope they stock back up soon!! I was wishing for the Missoni throw.

Lily said...

I ordered online at 3am and the entire store was empty !! And the website crashed all day ! Crazy.


StylishIrish said...

I feel your pain sister cos no Target in NZ either. Sounds like it was manic though. eBay?

Marisa • PretoMarfim said...

I just read on Danielle Oakey blog that are people selling Missoni itens on e-bay for a much higher price!

Roos said...

Ik zou ook zo graag willen dat we Target in NL hadden... Ik vind Missoni zo'n mooi merk :-) Zucht, dan maar zwijmelen bij de beelden van de collectie...